Elizabeth Cotten Lyrics

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from linernotes of Elizabeth Cotten Vol.3
(Folkways Records Album No. FA 3537
(c)1979 by Folkways Records & Service Corp.,41 West 61st.,NYC USA 10023)

lyrics (c) 1979 by Elizabeth Cotten & Johnine Rankin. Sanga Music

Praying time soon will be over
All over this world.
All over this world
All over this world
All over this world
All over this world.
Blacks and whites you better soon get together
Blacks and whites you better get yourselves together
All over this world

'Cause my Jesus he's a-coming ain't pickin'no color
All over this world

And he's comin' from the north, comin' from the south
Comin' from the east, comin' from the west
Comin' on a rainbow, comin' in a cloud
All over this world

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